Forensic Nurses Week 2024
Celebrate FN Week with your staff!
See IAFN’s Forensic Nurse Toolkit for more information
News - IAFN Ohio Chapter Members in the news
Senate Bill 214 expunging certain records for survivors of human trafficking signed into law
House Bill 161 outlawing spousal rape signed into law
Member and current treasurer, Lesa Gifford, BSN, RN, SANE-A, mentioned in the following article as she testified as proponent for HB 161. Other members, including Melisa Minier, BSN, RN, SANE-A, provided powerful testimonies throughout the bills journey before reaching the Governor’s desk.
Michele Reali-Sorrell talks about the importance of trauma-informed care.
“The goal of trauma-informed care is shifting the lens of how we care for people,” says trauma expert Michele Reali-Sorrell, DNP, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P. “Instead of saying, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ we change that into ‘What happened to you?”
Tammy Robertson is named Statewide Director of Forensic Nursing for OAESV